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When studying your manuscript I assume you just refer to the vertical component ?Ģ) at least one graphic is missing showing initial raw time series and input time series to your investigations (corrected for jumps) for a few (2-3) typical sitesģ) Add at the begin of chapter 2 one paragraph with introducing the term pink noise (or flicker noise) with some basic characteristics of flicker noise and its relation to frequency. Also clarify very early if you assess just 'Height component coordinates series' as I assume, or if your input time series comprise also the plane coordinate components. I recommend to state clerly in the begin if the coordinate series are just derived from GPS observations or they base on all GNSS systems observations (depending on capability of the receivers installed at your investigated 226 sites). Please note that my grammar hints are by no means exhaustive and a nother round of proof reading is recommendedġ) At several occassions in the manuscript you use the term 'GPS series' or GPS time series. I will start with the technical comments and proceed further with grammar issues/hints.

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However I have identified a small number of technical issues and a larger number of grammar/style problems which should be adressed in an updated version.

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Your manuscript is quite interesting and touches a reasonable problem of GPS-based coordinate time series.

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