Kb2467175 or kb2538242
Kb2467175 or kb2538242

Note there may be some debug folders in here as well, brining the folder count up to 8.Įxample of folder name: x86_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_7.4053_x-ww_b77cec8eĦ) For each of these 5 folders (or 8 if you have Debug some debug folders), do the following:ĭ) click on your desktop and open the WORKDIR folder you created above, and then hit Paste (or CTRL+V).Į) return to the Windows Explorer search window and click the “Back” button.ħ) Repeat step (4) except search for 4148. If nothing has been found type in 762 and hit ENTER.ĥ) There should be 5 folders that were found (as well as various other files that should be ignored, also, ignore any folders with amd64 at the beginning of their folder names). For “Search for files or folders named”, type in 4053, and then hit ENTER. You’ll use this later to hold all the DLLs you’ll be copying to your system32 folder.Ĥ) Using Windows Explorer, go to c:\windows\winsxs. For the purposes of these instructions, I’ll assume it’s c:\windows (replace that below with your actual Windows folder)ģ) Create a folder on your desktop named WORKDIR. Usually this is at c:\windows or c:\winnt. Important: look for entries in the add/remove programs with the exact titles above, i.e including those KB article numbers in the title of the entry, as there may be similar looking ones in there (ignore those ones)Ģ) Find your “Windows” folder.

kb2467175 or kb2538242 kb2467175 or kb2538242

Step by step instructions for Windows 2000 end users that want to get up and running quickly after having installed one or both of the invalid Visual C++ security redistributables on Windows 2000:ġ) go to Control Panel – Add/Remove Programs, and uninstall the following (one or both may be installed)Ī) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable – KB2467175ī) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable – KB2467174 – x86 9.5570

kb2467175 or kb2538242

EDIT – June 18th, 2011 – the below blog entry is out of date – click here for up to date information.

Kb2467175 or kb2538242